Who doesn’t love a hammock? The ultimate in relaxation, they’re so simple and cheap, and you can plunk one just about anywhere.

Some of the ideas people come up with range from tropical dream lounging to, well, impractical (or even downright dangerous) but hey – if you need some inspiration to think outside of a simple box bed solution, these featured projects may just give you some new directions and ideas for your own DIY creations.

How about a whole-room hammock, for you … and maybe a few friends? A great place to take a nap, but also a way to connect two spaces in terms of air circulation, light and visibility – of course, it cuts down somewhat on your potential floor space, but does create a kind of double-height space out of the area below. It’s actually pretty perfect for small houses or even tiny homes with lofts.

Not all suspended sleepers have to be styled like hammocks, as these strange floating circular beds show – aside from a ceiling, you could even hang one tipi-style right in your own backyard (to at least loft you out of the way of small rodents). These hammock-style beds don’t have to hang all that high off the floor to give you that weightless feeling, and they’re often big enough for two or even three people. 

If sleeping right out in the open is a bit too cool (or cold) for you, there is always the classic small-home or cabin solution of building in a sleeper shelf to let your bed make use of the natural heating generate by the central wood-burning fireplace – just make sure you don’t fall asleep too close to the flames, or it may get hotter than you want. And, yeah – you could probably put a hammock in there, too. Why not?