We all know the tools of the online map trade: cursors, pointers, dots and signs that cross geographical boundaries and are recognized the world over – but only on the web, right? Until now, yes.

The Urban Cursor project takes the most traditional and recognizable of these computer-screen objects – the classic white-outlined black cursor – and points it right into a public square, its movements tracked online via GPS as the public pushes it around in real life.

And of course, the ultimate class: a target-colored or bulls-eye-shaped circle – often found in red and white – that denotes your own position on the map … in this umbrella design by Cabracega, however, the digital once again becomes real and the ‘you are here’ element all the more accurate!

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More up-to-date net denizens will immediately recognize this Google Maps flag – used to show you various options that might be what you are searching for when you get your search results. Hopefully, you were looking for option ‘A’ in this case.