Like a secret room in a haunted house or the trap-door in some evil genius mansion, these hidden swimming pools seems like something Hollywood would cook up – not a real-life design you can have installed in your own home. But believe it or not, they’re real. Why have a boring, dank basement when you could have an entire pool beneath your feet instead? If you have the funds, of course, ’cause these are undoubtedly not cheap.

Watch the video below as what looks like as a ceramic tile floor slips below the water’s surface.

Vertical mobility takes on a whole new meaning as these Hydrofloors move up at the push of the button while the water seeps away, then slide back down when you want to turn the room (or patio or porch) back into a sunning or swimming pool.

Swimming pools are notorious space hogs – imagine dining and dancing the night away and then relaxing in water occupied by the same square footage the next morning. The mobile flooring can be stopped at intervals to control water depth for anything from diving to swimming or simply wading – a functional safety feature for children even a normal home pool cannot boast.

More info from the manufacturer

“Can you imagine a swimming pool that also doubles as a dance floor or an entertaining room or even a place to park your car? A space that transforms seamlessly and safely from one function to another, doubling your floor area and adding valuable square meters to your property.”

“A swimming pool that can be what you want it to be – simultaneously a deep diving pool, a child friendly shallow depth pool or a mid depth pool for exercise and water games which can be completely closed for security. Each project we undertake is specifically designed as our team works in partnership with your pool builder and architect to realize your unique and individual requirements.”